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Register for a Website Account

To stay up-to-date with what is going on in our community, register for an account on our website.
It's easy!  Simply fill out the registration form by clicking on the Register tab in the upper right corner of this webpage.  

1.  Click on the ‘register’ link in the upper right corner.
2.  Fill in the blanks including your desired password.
3.  Click the blue ‘Register' button at the bottom of the screen.
You will be notified (usually within 24hrs) when your account is approved.

Once your account is activated, return to your profile to set your privacy settings, etc.

Why Register?

There are many benefits to registering for an account on MAGPT.COM!  By registering, you're granted access to pages restricted only to members, will receive important communications from the Board of Directors and various Committees; can participate in online surveys and forums; and add your own content on some of our interactive pages.

If you have any questions about registering or logging in, please contact the MPCA Webmaster at [email protected].

Once you've submitted the registration form, a website administrator will review your pending account.  You'll receive a follow-up email after it's been reviewed/approved.

                                                                                           Revised 11 June 2024/whn2